After starting the main body of the model i decided to try and get the main shape on the wing in place.
I started with two main shapes, one basic rectangle shape for the middle of the wing and then another for the portion of the wing that is bent inward, I made this shape into a triangular shape by collapsing vertices of a box shape together.
To get the same shape for the bottom of the wing i simply duplicated the first object and the used the mirror modifier as can be seen in the screenshots.
I then created a cube to fill the gap between the objects and also mirrored it to the opposite side before, using the connect tool to allow for more editable verities.
After creating these objects i attached them to one another to make them the same object and then deleted the polygons between each gap and collapsed the vertices to connect the object together.
I am pleased with this basic shaped of the wing as it seems to capture the awkward shape well and makes good use of the tools available. There maybe easier ways to create an object this way but this seems to have worked as well as any.