Friday, 30 October 2015

Creating the Tie Interceptor, Part 2

After starting the main body of the model i decided to try and get the main shape on the wing in place.

I started with two main shapes, one basic rectangle shape for the middle of the wing and then another for the portion of the wing that is bent inward, I made this shape into a triangular shape by collapsing vertices  of a box shape together.

To get the same shape for the bottom of the wing i simply duplicated the first object and the used the mirror modifier as can be seen in the screenshots.

I then created a cube to fill the gap between the objects and also mirrored it to the opposite side before, using the connect tool to allow for more editable verities.

After creating these objects i attached them to one another to make them the same object and then deleted the polygons between each gap and collapsed the vertices to connect the object together.

I am pleased with this basic shaped of the wing as it seems to capture the awkward shape well and makes good use of the tools available. There maybe easier ways to create an object this way but this seems to have worked as well as any.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Tool Test: Bend

This tool could be extremely useful for creating curved objects

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Creating the Tie Interceptor, Part 1

Unfortunately I forgot to take screenshots of the process up to this point.

As you can see from the screen shot i have set up the cross section as before the the plane exercise. For the objects that have been created so far i have just used basic shapes converted to editable polys and then manipulated the vertices into place.

Where as for the window for the cockpit I used a spline and the extrusion tool making use of the preset ngon and circle shapes.

I am very pleased with the model so far and particularly like the cockpit window as it is exactly what i was aiming for although, looking at reference images of the Tie Interceptor, I have noticed however that as i do not have a top view of the model some elements currently look different to as they should and will need to be addressed, for example the part of the ship below.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Concorde, Part 2

To finish off the model i manipulated the wing into place and added the engines under the wings, using the mirror tool on both of these to get them to the other side.

The using the front wheel as a base I created the two back sets of wheels.

Finally i added the back fin on the plane this was made from a box and manipulated into place.

I am happy with this for a first try of the model, but much like the house i feel a second attempt after further learning will allow me to produce a much mode detailed model.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Concorde, Part 1

One of the exercises set was to model a plane, the plane in the tutorial given was basic and I may attempt later on, instead I have chosen to model a Concorde as this seems a little more fun.

I first set up 3 planes and aligned them and added the blueprints for the Concorde.

Then I created a cylinder for the body of the plane and manipulated it into place.

Then I set up the front wheel of the Concorde using cylinders, a box with the chamfer tool applied and for the wheel a cylinder with the spherify and chamfer tools applied..

Then for the wing of the Concorde i used a spline with the extrude tool.

So far i am happy with this model, I think there may well be methods and tools that become apparent during my learning that would be more suited to some of the tasks I have performed here.

Tool Test: Lathe

This tool seems very useful and could help achieve the same results as insetting and extruding polygons, but much easier.

To test this tool i imported a picture from the internet and drew a spline over half of the image then by using the lathe tool it rotated the spline into a 3D object, I did have to change the axis of the lathe to get the correct result.

I found this tutorial very helpful in the process:

Friday, 23 October 2015

Colleague Blog Review 1

I thought it would be beneficial to take a look at one of my colleges blogs to further improve my own.
I found it very helpful looking at this blog in comparison to my own, I particularly like the inclusion of the lecture notes from each week as this could be very helpful for somebody using the blog for learning purposes.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Tool Test: Polygon Inset and Extrude

This tool will be extremely useful when creating long objects that change size.

Also using a minus number in the extrusion tool will provide an indent instead.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Tool Test: Creating and Extruding a Spline

I thought I would test extrude tool on a spline i have created to see how the tool works as it will be a very useful resource in the future.

This tool seems relatively easy to use and extremely versatile for drawing over images for modeling.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Star Wars Battlefront Beta

While playing the Star Wars Battlefront beta I came across this damaged X-Wing and felt it was worth taking a screenshot as it is reminiscent of what i hope to achieve with the damaged X-Wing at the start of my animation.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Tool Test: Alignment

I felt it would be a good idea to give the alignment tool a test as it will be an important and useful tool during the creation of my Star Wars models.

I created three models to be aligned.

I then began to align the sphere to the top of the cone. Firstly i aligned the centers of both objects together so as to leave only the z axis to be effected. 

Using the align tool again with only the z axis selected i aligned the sphere to the top of the cone using the setting below.

I then used the same method to align the box to below the cone, this making all objects aligned on top of each other. 

Low Poly House

This exercise was mostly to explore the connect, extrude and collapse tools and how they perform differently in different situations. Below is each viewpoint the the low poly house finished the main exercise and went on to add a door to the model. As you can see in the images below i also attempted to add another set of windows to the other side of the house but this did not go as planned, and cannot currently be seen on the model. I am currently unsure as to why this is but I feel I may give it another attempt from scratch to address the problem and polish my skills.

I have achieved the initial task of the exercise but this model could be greatly improved with more time put into it. The same techniques could be used to place more windows around the hose and perhaps add a back are also.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Tool Test: Boolean

After being shown the boolean tool in the lectures i thought i would give it ago to see how it works.

I created two objects so as to be able to subtract one from the other.

I then accessed the boolean tool under  "Compound Objects" in the drop down menu.

As i accessed this tool with the sphere selected the sphere is set as object A and as i wish to subtract the sphere from the box i needed to change from "Subtraction (A-B)" to "Subtraction (B-A)"

I then used the "Pick Operand B" button to allow me to select the box for object B thus subtracting the sphere from the box as below. 

This tool seems like it will be very useful when making all of my models as there will be awkward shapes to achieve and perhaps awkward hole to make. 

Monday, 12 October 2015

Its Wheely Good...

The Wheel

This is for the first exercise to make a very basic ship steering wheel. To do this i just used tubes and the snap function to align them one inside the other. I the used a single cylinder across the entire wheel for two opposing handles and used snap rotation with the duplicate function to make the rest of the handles. I found the snap function very useful in this exercise.

Saturday, 10 October 2015


I have been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks now, this is the storyboard i produced for the animation, each scene is a separate picture and runs in order below: